A rainbow baby is the healthy, living child born after the loss(es) of a previous child(ren) to stillbirth, miscarriage, or infant death.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Waiting Again

It seems like every cycle I'm always waiting for good news. I have been getting frustrated with this cycle because I had a week of fertile cervical mucus and low temps. Well, this morning I had a very nice temp rise, so I'm just praying that my temps stay up.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Frustrating New Cycle

So, against my better judgement, I started temping again and it still frustrates me beyond belief. I had a nice temp drop 5 days ago but instead of getting a rise my temps stayed down and aren't in any hurry to go back up. This is so frustrating when TTC.

On a better note, I started an 8 month sugar detox and am on Phase 2 of it. The first phase was relatively easy for me, but this one is much harder because it requires only eating 100% whole grains and so many things have refined white flour in them, it's unbelievable. I'm hoping that by doing this I can reverse my insulin resistance/estrogen dominance.