I'm still plugging away at my lunaception, and have come to the conclusion that it might take longer than the estimated 3 months of sleeping in complete darkness before my body resets itself. I haven't been doing the grounding as much because, let's face it, it's not very fun to put your bare feet on the ground in a bed of dead grass. We have gotten some rain lately, though, so I'm hoping the grass will start perking up and I can get back to my barefooted ways.
I have started going to a chiropractor but not initially for the infertility/hormone balance acupuncture. Every year around this time, I get spasms in my neck and shoulder, well, this year it's been worse than most. I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor and dissected every little issue I have, including infertility. I showed her my BBT chart for this cycle and she took one glance at it and said, "You definitely have thyroid issues. Your temps are way below what they should be." I told her a few times I've taken my temp before bed and they were in the low 98's.
Then, she told me something amazing that I didn't know. She told me before all of these synthetic thyroid medications came out doctors prescribed glandulars to correct thyroid problems. Basically, it's thyroid tissues from animals. They stopped prescribing them when pharmaceutical companies came out with thyroid medications. She told me that I should look online for organic thyroid glandulars and start taking one capsule per day. Before you ask, they aren't the actual raw tissue, it's pulverized and freeze dried into capsules and you take one capsule per day if needed.
But before anyone considers doing this, they need to make sure they need it because the hormones the glandulars emit in the body can damage a healthy thyroid. The thyroid is in control of our metabolism and body temperature, so messing with that, no matter how badly you want a baby, is best under a doctor's care.