A few different things have happened in our rainbow baby quest. First, AF this cycle was very short for me (4 days when it's usually a minimum of 7). A few days after this cycle started I was praying before bed. I started a new part time job as a nanny/housekeeper and am really enjoying it, and I was thanking God for my job. I began to say, "I'm really happy with it," but what came out was "I'm pregnant." Now I wasn't thinking along those lines at all and though it's something I do pray about it wasn't on my mind that night because I was beyond tired. So, I thought maybe God is telling me that it'll happen this cycle because I was a few days in.
My mom bought a new blood pressure cuff 4 days ago that also reads the pulse and she kept bugging me to check mine because hers was reading high and my BP usually stays around 114/76. I began to notice that every time my pulse was higher than is usual for me. My pulse is usually about 68 and every time I take my resting BP with her cuff (and when I've measured it on my own) it's between 78 and 89. None of the times I took it was I doing anything to make my pulse accelerate, so it made me start wondering if something was up. I did a little research because this combined with the other things I mentioned made me wonder if maybe my increased pulse could mean I'm preggo. I know pregnant women have a higher pulse rate than they would normally because they are pumping extra blood throughout the body and it makes the heart work harder.
So, last night I took a test because I really began thinking that if I was pregnant then it couldn't be from this cycle and maybe the AF I had wasn't really an AF but ovulation bleeding. We'd BD'd 3 days before AF started so it was totally possible. As soon as I did the test I could see a faint line appear but I couldn't tell if it was a true BFP or an evap line. My hubby saw it too, and we decided we'd do one this morning with FMU. So, I took the one this morning with FMU and didn't see anything, and neither did my hubby but when I got home tonight I saw a very faint line on it that almost looked like a shadow.
I know you aren't supposed to read tests that are hours old but I did anyways just to see and compare it to the previous test. I think the line might have been there before because the test strip was still wet when we read it (we used $ store cheapies) and the wetness could have been hiding the line. So, if it is a BFP, then I must not have conceived when I first thought because the line would have been much darker. With my previous 2 pregnancies I never got a BFP before CD35, and this is only CD28. I really don't want to wait another week to take another test, so Mike and I agreed I'd take another test on Friday but I'm going to buy a 2 pack so that if it comes up questionable, I'll have one to take on CD35.
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