A rainbow baby is the healthy, living child born after the loss(es) of a previous child(ren) to stillbirth, miscarriage, or infant death.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Babies on the Brain

Almost every woman who has had trouble conceiving, or has even taken more than two cycles trying, has experienced what I call baby-on-the-brain syndrome. It's symptoms include taking numerous ovulation predictor and pregnancy tests, constantly checking for fertility clues, and not being able to block out getting pregnant or having a baby out of your head.

I'm guilty, and I know plenty of other women who are, too. It gets so bad that you dream about it at night and daydream about the baby you want to have. Despite being on a baby-making break, having a baby is still very much on my mind, partly because of the 5th anniversary/birthday of our dearly loved angel on Friday last week.

I am desperately trying to refocus my brain on something other than having a baby. I've easily taken to not tracking my BBT every morning, but that anxiety is still there. What if after this break, nothing has changed? What if I haven't improved our chances of conceiving during this break? What if our hopes that by this time next year, we'll be expecting a baby or have had one already don't come true?

I really need to learn to relax and truly take this one day at a time, but that's just not who I am. I am a worrier. I am a planner. AND, unfortunately, I still have babies on the brain.

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